Paulo Caldas

Paulo Caldas holds a BSc (2012) and a MSc (2014) degree in Biochemistry from the Faculty of Sciences - University of Lisbon (FCUL-UL, Lisbon). For his PhD, he joined Martin Loose lab at Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria, Vienna), where he focused his studies on the spatial regulation of the Z-ring, an essential structure that guides cell division in most bacteria. His main goal was to reconstitute in vitro the dynamic behavior of different cytoskeletal proteins and study how they work together to increase the precision of cell division in bacteria. His work involved extensive wet lab experiments, quantitative image analysis and statistical modeling, often requiring employing custom-made scripts in programming languages. Despite the strong wet lab component of his PhD, Paulo got caught up in the computational part of his work and decided to join the Computational Multi-Omics Lab (FCT-NOVA/UCIBIO, Lisbon) after his graduation to study intra tumoral heterogeneity from a bioinformatics standpoint.
twitter: @pcaldas90
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