
"The teacher’s task is to initiate the learning process and then get out of the way." ― John Warren Image from iconicbestiary -

Outreach and Society

  • 14th May 2024: "Programar para curar: Ómicas no combate ao cancro" in Pint of Science Portugal.
  • November 2020: "How BigData Science can contribute for Technology and Biomedicine" in "Sci & Tech for Society" sessions from NOVA.FCT. Whatch the video!!

BSc and MSc Courses

  • since 2022: "Introduction to Bioinformatics", "Molecular Genetics" - BSc in Cell and Molecular Biology (NOVA School of Science and Technology, Portugal)
  • since 2022: "Molecular Genetics" - BSc in Biochemistry (NOVA School of Science and Technology, Portugal)
  • since 2021: "Fundamentals of Computational Biology", "Applied Computational Multi-Omics", "Gene Expression Modulation", "Advanced Evolutionary Genomics" - MSc in Computational Biology & Bioinformatics (NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal)
  • since 2018:  "Bioinformatics in Biomedicine", "Molecular Genomics and Evolution" - MSc in Molecular Genetics and Biomedicine (NOVA School of Science and Technology, Portugal)
  • 2012 - 2015:  "Computational Biology and Biomedicine" - MSc in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (FCUL, Portugal)
  • 2012 - 2015:  "Bioinformatics" - MSc in Oncobiology (FMUL, Portugal)


Specialized Courses

  • 6th-7h February 2024:  2nd Edition of Computational Biosciences using HPC (organized by UCIBIO in partnership with INCD and EuroCC Portugal)
  • 12th September 2022:  1st Edition of Computational Biosciences using HPC (organized by UCIBIO in partnership with INCD and EuroCC Portugal)
  • 2021: Workshop "Bioinformatics in Biomedicine - Hands On" on Tec2Med 

Seminars Series and Workshops Organization