
Data scientists are becoming a necessity across many facets of biology and medicine
We provide bioinformatics advanced training and multi-omics experience, to develop the most essential skills for a career in data science. Our former members have become successful data scientists in research or companies (e.g. Roche, XpandIT, Genomed, Siemens, Ophiomics, etc).
Spontaneous Applications
We welcome applications for highly motivated members to pursue MSc, PhD or PostDoctoral projects in bioinformatics and computational biology fied.
If you want to become a member of our group, please contact Ana Rita Grosso (argrosso[at]fct.unl.pt) enclosing: Motivation Letter (highlighting your interests and the research that you would like to conduct in our group); CV (describing your education background, computational skills, achievements, publications and awards); a list of 2 professional References (with e-mails).