Inês Cabral

I am currently undertaking a PhD in Biology, where I aim to understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying regeneration in marine annelids. Along my academic career, I was awarded with two research fellowships associated with "The MARVEN Project: The Portuguese biotechnological database for marine animal venoms and toxins" (ref. FA_05_2017_007) and with "ExtremeOceans - Unravelling evolutionary physiology landscapes of coastal marine fauna under extreme temperatures using a multi-layer Systems Biology approach" (PTDC/BIA-BMA/1494/2020). I recently completed a Master's degree in Molecular Genetics and Biomedicine (FCT-NOVA, 2022). My Master's Thesis was developed at SeaTox Lab and Computational Multi-Omics group, where I aimed to identify marine toxins that may interact with human receptors. This drug discovery approach was encompassed in the research project "WormALL - Marine invertebrates as source of novel biotoxins: Investigating function and application through Polychaeta venomics" (PTDC/BTA-BTA/28650/2017). I graduated in Molecular and Cellular Biology (FCT-NOVA, 2019).